Mini Mike Bloomberg Wants To Stand On A Box For His First Debate

Mike Bloomberg paid well to get on the debate stage, and if he wants a box to stand on, he’s gonna have it. Mike Bloomberg is reportedly asking for a box to stand on for the debate, a practice mostly done when a candidate is too short. Julian Castro become notorious after he was found to have given a box to appear taller, and it only added to contempt from audience members towards him after he was so vicious and nasty towards other debate candidates.

julian Castro stood on a box for the democratic debates

Mike Bloomberg is 5 foot 8, the same height as Castro. This would probably qualify him to have a box, under Democratic National Committee standards used in the past. But President Donald Trump was not going to let him off the hook that easy for the mini-me’s demand. “Mini Mike is now negotiating both to get on the Democratic Primary debate stage, and to have the right to stand on boxes, or a lift, during the debates. This is sometimes done, but really not fair!

Mike Bloomberg has been steadily gaining in Democratic Primary pols and spending tons of money doing it. He’s been seen as essentially buying his way into the Democratic primary. He is alao coming out very strong on gun control, much more than other candidates. He’s estimated to have spent over $250 million in his race so far. And even paid millions of dollars to get ad time on the superbowl. The only other candidate with superbowl ads is President Trump.

Mike Bloomberg is also getting heat for allegedly bribing the DNC to change the individual donor rule so he can get on the debate stage. The rule had stated that a candidate could not be in the debates if they had less than 250,000 individual donations. Previous candidates with little money and with less than the required donor threshold had been forced to drop out of their races.

Mini Mike has not commented on the President’s tweet as of the writing of this article.

President Trump says Bloomberg doesn’t scare him


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