California Democrat Catches Covid-19 Through “mask to mask” Transmission

A California lawmaker has caught covid-19, one of many in the state, and she is attributing it to what she calls “mask to mask” transmission.

Assemblywoman Autumn Burke, D-Inglewood. Ms. Burke actually became infected after what she called “mask to mask” exposure, meaning she came in contact with a confirmed positive case and got infected even though they were both wearing masks.

Tish Rylander, a spokeswoman for Assemblywoman Burke, said in a statement that “mask to maask” transmission meant that “both (Burke) and the infected individual were wearing masks the day they interacted.”

She gave an interview about it from home in quarantine.


2 thoughts on “California Democrat Catches Covid-19 Through “mask to mask” Transmission

  1. Viral germs are so small that they travel thru blood vessels smaller then a human hair and anyone who honestly believes that a cloth mask can stop these microscopic germs from getting to them is just plain ignorant and might as well be wishing on a falling star.

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