12 thoughts on “Petition to remove Romney from office catches fire in Utah after he sided with Democrats in impeachment

  1. Thankful for someone willIng to stand up for what is right! Republicans are afraid to stand up to Trump. Abuse of power is wrong. There is a list of things he has done. Like stealing money from charity Trump was fined $2 million – that’s a fact . He has signed off on once protected Several National Parks to be mined. Do your research – He only cares about big business and profits for the rich.

    1. What is right? Seriously? What, SPECIFICALLY, has he done to abuse power? Produce the list. As for caring for business and the rich, have you ever worked for a poor person? They make the jobs that nearly every American today now has (lowest unemployment on record, and that includes subcategories such as Black, Hispanic, and female unemployment). Those jobs weren’t produced by people on welfare.

  2. Sorry I am a Trump supporter, he has done everything he promised, he’s the best President since Abraham Lincoln The Democrats are evil they don’t care about the American people, they are trying to take away a right to vote, it was said by the Democrats that we the people didnt have enough sence to pick a leader.i’m not sure if your a Christian or not but I am and the Democrats are trying to take God out of our country when it was founded on InGod We Trust!

  3. Romney is a traitor. He is so bitter he cannot see the good President Trump is doing for our country. I was a Democrat for 45 years ….came to my senses 8 years ago.

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