CHAZ Warlord Pleads For Police And Paramedics To Come Save 2 Of His Soldiers

After taking over CHAZ and disavowing police, Raz turned out to be a pretty big softie when two of his “people” were shot on the border of Chazistan.

Paramedics and Police were met with a violent crowd when they tried to secure the crime scene, so they stayed outside the border until further help came to assist. That’s when Raz pleaded with the paramedics to come save his men. Then he went off blaming the system for letting them die.

See the tweet and video below:


2 thoughts on “CHAZ Warlord Pleads For Police And Paramedics To Come Save 2 Of His Soldiers

  1. Raz, F$#k America. F@#k the police. “Chaz is not America!”
    Until you need America, eh Raz??? Fool. See you on the 4th.

  2. Good luck Alex. A few suggestions, take or leave them. You may have enough manpower to lay siege to that area of Seattle. Give them time so anyone wants to leave they can. Then its lockdown time. No-one in or out. Find the utilities and shut them down. No electricity for lights will fill them with fear in the dark of the night. No sewage for a couple of days will turn that into a smelly pit. No one bring food into the area and hunger will,be next. Let them sit in the mess they made and they may not do it again. Psych ops would work also. Set up a giant speaker system in a couple of spots and blast positive propaganda at them all night long,get some long winded bastard and cause sleep deprivation, scream like that leftist little troll that her only conversation was “shut up”on her speaker. Yea we know your antifa tactics. If your too stupid too put up an argument, scream at you opponent. Cause destruction, because if you don’t use violence, you won’t be noticed. Saul Alinsky. “rules for radicals”

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