BREAKING: New Poll Shows Trump In YUGE Lead Over Dems In Florida

President Donald Trump looks good in Florida.

That’s what a new poll says that has him crushing every democrat front runner in a hypothetical election. The poll shows head to head races with each democratic opponent and Donald Trump, with Trump winning in each lineup.

The same poll also showed that a large bulk of the sunshine state are completely behind the President in the impeachment trials.

Also good news for republicans, Governor Desantis has an incredible 68% approval rating, with only 18% disapproving of him.

For impeachment, 52% strongly disapprove of the President being removed from office, and only 43% approve.

“Floridians are confident in Governor DeSantis and, while they’re concerned about healthcare costs and workforce quality, support his efforts to help keep Florida moving in the right direction and champion solutions,” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO, Florida Chamber of Commerce.

These are all of the results from the Florida poll:

Governor DeSantis Approve/Disapprove:
68% approve
18% disapprove
14% unsure

Florida Right/Wrong Direction:
63% right direction
24% wrong track
13% not sure

After impeachment, should President Trump be removed from office?
TOTAL VOTERS: 52% disapprove, 43% approve
DEMOCRATS: 73% approve, 20% disapprove
NPA’s: 50% approve, 46% disapprove
REPUBLICANS: 87% disapprove, 9% approve

What issues should the legislature address?
Healthcare Costs 18%
Jobs/Economy 12%
Environment 9%
Education 9%
Immigration 6%

What’s keeping job creators up at night? Florida Chamber’s Small Business Index SurveyWorkforce quality 28%
Healthcare Costs 13%
Government Regulations 12%
Economic Uncertainty 10%

Presidential Head-to-Heads
                            Head-to-Head                  DEM               REP                NPA

Trump/Biden            49/45                          16/78              88/7                41/51

Trump/Warren          50/43                          17/75              90/7                41/50

Trump/Bloomberg    49/44                          16/75              87/8                40/53

Trump/Buttigieg        50/43                          19/72              87/9                40/51

And more good news for Republicans: according to state data on voter registration in the month of December, 29 percent of new voters registered as Democrats, 34 percent registered as Republicans, and 37 percent registered as NPA – for a total of 50,733 total voter registrations in Florida. Total state voter registrations show 37 percent are Democrats, 35 percent are Republicans and 28 percent are NPAs.

About the poll:

ABOUT THIS POLL:  The Florida Chamber of Commerce political poll was conducted on January 3-12, 2020 by Cherry Communications during live telephone interviews of likely voters, and has a margin of error of +/- 4 percent. The sample size included 247 Democrats241 Republicans and 120 Others for a total of 608 respondents statewide. The samples for the polls conducted by the Florida Chamber are consistently drawn from likely voters and newly registered voters, meaning those voters who have the propensity and past performance of voting in elections, rather than simply including registered voters. Voters are again screened for likelihood of voting.

Watch also the full rally President Trump held in Florida to kickstart his reelection bid.

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