China collapses As Leader May Have Virus, 15,000 New cases reported In A 1 Day

China has promised that it has the Coronavirus outbreak under control. But contrary to government propaganda, it is now appearing that they do not. The number of cases has skyrocketed by over 15,000 with just a few days, and they suddebly announced over 250 people are now dead since their last count a day ago. This is sending the total death toll to almost 2000. So far now, the total number of infected has amassed to over 63,000 people. Almost all are in China. The virus is expanding though throughout the world. Japan just had it’s first death from the virus as well.

And throughout Chinese social media, people are gossiping about a deadly rumor. The General Secretary of China, Xi Jinping, has vanished from the public spotlight. A leader who is in some kind of media publishing every day, it’s unheard of for the great leader to not appear on a news station, in a news paper, or at least a public event. But that’s exactly what has happened. Xi has been absent from sight for about a week now, leading many to speculate that he may have come down with the virus too. Now the world just waits and watches to see what happens next.

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