So far, Capitalist Healthcare is beating socialist healthcare easy on Coronavirus
Across the globe, the media spreads panic about the Coronavirus. But it’s fatality rate is small. If you are already healthy, your chances of dying are slim to none. And for the United States, we’re leading the globe in recovery. While other countries struggle to contain the virus and treat infected, the US already has a whopping 100% recovery rate. Meanwhile, countries with socialist healthcare systems are facing brutal fatality rates, like those in Iran and Italy.
And for treatment, while the rest of the world panics and prepares for quarantine, in the United States there’s already been multiple vaccines developed.
Here’s the latest statistics on the virus as it spreads.
total infected- 83,379
total recovered- 36,525
recovery rate- 93%
active cases- 43,996
serious cases- 8099
expected to recover- 35,897
total dead- 2,835
Total fatality rate in children under 9- 0%
total fatality rate in those over 80- 14%
10.5% fatality rate if patient has cardiovascular disease
7.3% for diabetes
6.3% for chronic respiratory disease
6% for hypertension
5.6% for cancer
0% fatality rate if the patient is in the United States.
2-4% if in China.
Overall outside of china, the fatality rate is 0.7%.