The Coronavirus recovery rate is 93% and rising. Stop panicking

Across the globe, the media spreads panic about the Coronavirus. But it’s fatality rate is small. And if you are already healthy, your chances of dying are slim to none.

Here’s the latest statistics on the virus.

total infected- 83,379

total recovered- 36,525

recovery rate- 93%

active cases- 43,996

serious cases- 8099

expected to recover- 35,897

total dead- 2,835

Total fatality rate in children under 9- 0%

total fatality rate in those over 80- 14%

10.5% fatality rate if patient has cardiovascular disease

7.3% for diabetes

6.3% for chronic respiratory disease

6% for hypertension

5.6% for cancer

0% fatality rate if the patient is in the United States

2-4% if in China.

Overall outside of china, the fatality rate is 0.7%.

see also:

2 thoughts on “The Coronavirus recovery rate is 93% and rising. Stop panicking

  1. Just to help keep it in the right perspective. The 1918 Pandemic Influenza had only a 2% mortality rate. Telling people that this has a 7% mortality rate is not the comforting idea you may think it is.

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