One Million Moms form petition to demand Barnes And Noble stop selling anti Trump book to children

Shopping for your kids or grandkids? Well, it looks like if you hate President Trump, Barnes and Noble is the place to go.

They have a new book out for the tots:

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Does this seem very kid friendly?

One Million Moms is now praying and demanding Barnes and Noble ban the book, forever. Such ridicule of our president is unnecessary. This level of mockery has not been given to any other U.S. president. The Bible states we are to pray for our country’s leaders, not belittle them. “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,” (1 Timothy 2:1-3). Shame on Barnes & Noble for carrying this book. Selling such inflammatory political garbage is reprehensible and only creates more divisiveness in our nation.


54 thoughts on “One Million Moms form petition to demand Barnes And Noble stop selling anti Trump book to children

  1. I do stand with moms against this book. I don’t care who you are, you should have enough respect for the office of President to support whomever was elected

    1. My sentiments exactly! And now, that Donald Trump is The president!!!
      The only President I could get behind and support, was President Reagan…. and now I support President Donald Trump!!! Although since President Reagan I have respected all the Republican and Democrat Presidents including President Obama!!

  2. I been in Barnes&Nobles. It’s plain when you walk in the store that is a far far left business, which is ok. It’s their purogitive. But this is beyond the pale! I definately agree with the 1 million mothers! How damn cruel can they be?

    1. Let me tell ya something they need to pull the damn books ain’t no since in this kind of shit and they should be in the wrong also. Person that think of a books like this needs to be in jail or under for hate crimes. It was nothing like this when Obama was in the white house. This is non since

  3. This is terrible!!! I don’t care who the bookstore is!!! Your promoting hate to children and that is unacceptable!!!! Shame on Barnes and Noble!! I thought you were better than this…..REMOVE the books!!! Losing a customer!!!!

  4. I stand with moms against this book , this is hateful and disrespectful to the president . Our children are exposed to enough hate in the world this is too much and needs to stop now

  5. This is a part of the pure political communistic coup against our President. I do despise the democrat party and their evil 👺 ugly ambition to destroy our President 🇺🇸💪🏿

  6. I too stand with Moms. This is so disrespectful. I cannot believe they have made a book like this. They need to be ashamed of themselves and for Books of Million even thinking of selling it!!

  7. This must be removed. If it was a money with Obama it wouldn’t be allowed. Stop it now. President Trump is our President like it or not.

  8. This is a disgrace. B & N will never again get any of my business and I will encourage my friends and family not to shop there either.

  9. It’s disgusting! So disappointed in B & N. Another store I won’t patronize. Hope they go out if business!

  10. So disrespectful. The youth of today being taught by these haters and taught disrespect. Wonder why the world is getting so bad??

  11. I appreciate your right to free speech, but when it harms other people, it’s no longer a right. It’s just like someone yelling “fire” when there is no fire, I agree with the Moms 100%.

  12. What a terrible thing to do. Why would you put hate into the minds of young children. This book should not be on the shelves in your bookstore.

  13. You have just lost any future business you may have had with me. And I am a 60 year old life reader. Shame on you. The office of the President is the highest office in our land and should never be mocked.

    1. I agree 100% Barnes & Noble should be forced to remove all of those books from their shelves immediately or be fined and closed down for disrespecting ourPresident and teaching children to disrespect our president Shame on them

  14. This is more than disgusting … shame on B&N for selling such trash!!! I guess this is why I don’t buy anything there & never will!!!

  15. So much disrespect now days, of veterans, parents, and elderly. Just to name a few. Now our president, love him or not. He is our leader. Teaching children this is teaching that disrespect is acceptable! Stop this book!

  16. Theres nowhere to sign for the petition. The fact this is allowed is unbelievable. It’s a hate crime toward our president. Singling him out in a bad way

  17. This is a disgrace to America. The author sh is old be ashamed for writing such disgraceful garbage as well as the publisher and book stores that sell such trash

  18. What a disgrace ! Poor judgment on them to allow this garbage on their shelves promoting hate to children!! What a joke….These people talk out both sides off their mouth…they want more tolerance in this country but only when it’s a topic they agree with. Pathetic…

  19. Remove the books.I am a frequent book buyer and I will never buy another book from you. This is totally unacceptable!

  20. AmaOn, Books A Million and Target also sell this book. John Lithgow, the actor, is also guilty of writing a disrespectful book about Trump called “Dumpty.” 😡

  21. Most of these comments are from people who obviously have very short memories….
    Obama and his family were depicted as a pack of monkeys, they said he wasn’t born here, they openly said they would oppose him
    every turn and did just that. No President was ever disrespected like this one? Really??
    Leave the book, kids need to know the truth…

  22. This needs to be taken off the shelf’s. You do not show disrespect to a current president. What are we showing our children. This is showing hate and racism. Disgraceful. What are we teaching our children. This has got to stop.

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