White liberals march in bandage to apologize for slavery

A group of white liberals marched in bondage to apologize for slavery. The group (a family at that) had on black shirts with the words “so sorry.”

the group was started by Michael Lienau, and was started after he came to a realization of what his race has done. He takes his family around the world to perform the ritual.


9 thoughts on “White liberals march in bandage to apologize for slavery

    1. This is the real slaves there great grandparents must of had slaves back in the day. While your at ut bend over and kiss my white ass

  1. If you can’t spell bOndage don’t write about it. These idiots doing this don’t deserve the attention anyway.

    1. Brandy I can not spell a lot of word’s but that should never keep someone from writing their view’s or opinions, now some should not even write if it’s all about I’m better than you, or hate based crap

  2. I have lived. For 75 yrs and seen no slavery. ( I945) What is wrong is parents who never raised their children. ( Mostly raised by grandparents are blaming us because they were neglected, And are angry . Our skin has nothing to do with this. It goes deeper. In their heart. We need a heart change. We need God. America used to be (In God we trust). We took him out of homes, schools. Our oath without hand on Bible. Satan is a liar and a lot of people are listening to him.

  3. My first impression on this article is the header. I’m thinking our educational system has failed us! “Bandage?” I think your looking for the word “bondage.” Whatever happen to proof reading before publishing? I’ve just noticed way to many articles in the past years with spelling hack jobs. As for these people in the article… stop drinking the koolaid and get a backbone! You never owned slaves so you dont have to do Jack! Last time I checked we were a “human race.” So sick of this black and white crap! If you have a good heart, I’m proud to call you friend! Ok I’ll shut up now. Let the verbal bashing begin.

  4. More leftist bullshit, I didn’t own a slave my parents didn’t own slaves my parents parents didn’t own slaves my parents parents parents did not own slaves my parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents GOT THE MESSAGE WE DIDNT OWN SLAVES Get the fuck over it move the fuck on you are the ones who are inciting race wars you dumb motherfucking white trash idiots…And quit apologizing for me I owe no fucking apology for the color of my skin I am white and I am proud.

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