Antifa At CHAZ Held An Emergency Meeting Over A Conservative Plan To Invade Seattle
The Antifa of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone are getting nervous. While the city and state of Washington have not shut down the CHAZ, a plan by conservative bikers, christians, patriots and activists is in the works to.
The facebook event, American Patriots Retake The Seattle Occupation Zone For America, has gotten over 1200 confirmed attendees in less than 72 hours, and 13,000 interested in possibly going. It has reached almost half a million people.
The antifa of CHAZ first tried mass trolling the event into giving up, but that failed. So now, they have been trying to report the event to facebook to get it taken down.
This hasn’t worked either, so the leadership of antifa at CHAZ has apparently called a mass meeting to discuss what options are left to stop 10,000 bikers from rolling into the CHAZ and dismantling their barricades.
While false information riddled the media in the first few days of the event (Hells Angels and Bikers For Trump are NOT organizing this), what is confirmed is that thousands of conservative patriots HAVE committed to the event on July 4th.
Prntly media, this site, is hosting the event on facebook, but all patriotic Americans are invited to join the event and share it.
Looking forward to seeing all the Patriots there.
I don’t normally align with the conservatives but this law & order democrat has had enough of this CHAZ/CHOP nonsense. I’m a Seattle resident and I welcome liberation from this nutty group of far leftists with open arms although truth be told I am afraid to express a dissenting opinion in public. I love my country and believe that lawlessness and disorder cannot be tolerated. Want to express your opinion? Great, freedom of speech is one of the most sacred concepts in the land. Love Trump? Fine, that’s your right. Hate Trump? Fine, I don’t like him either, that’s why we have elections. Want to invade and take over, pushing the police out? Fuck you, that isn’t how we do things here. Your rights end where they infringe on my rights. I really hope this happens, this Occupy thing has gone on far too long and our local leaders have proven themselves ineffective.