Whackjob Seattle Suburb’s Deputy Mayor Krystal Marx Blames Right Wing For CHAZ Violence

A whackjob in a small Seattle suburb blamed the right wing for the violence that has plagued CHAZ, based on a video she shared on facebook of a group.

The nutty deputy mayor seemed to be oblivious to the numerous acts of left wing violence in CHAZ, from the violence of molotov cocktails and IEDs used to create the autonomous zone to the brute force used by antifa to maintain control.

Instead, she found a random video online of a street scuffle on a street in Seattle that isn’t even in the CHAZ, between a large pacifiic islander man and a man dressed in antifa clothing.

Somehow she decided that the brown skinned man was a white supremacist right winger, and took to facebook to blame conservatives for CHAZ’s woes..

This seems to ignore the shootings, thefts, attacks on people holding american flags in the zone, and street preachers.

You can find her whacko post here:


The deputy mayor is so fanatical, she made her facebook handle “marxist mama.”


One thought on “Whackjob Seattle Suburb’s Deputy Mayor Krystal Marx Blames Right Wing For CHAZ Violence

  1. Im sorry but any group going to the extreme to harm citizens or hold them as hostages should expect the violence they will be getting in return

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