Police Departments Refusing To Police Democrat National Convention

Police departments in Wisconsin are refusing to provide law enforcement detail for the Democratic National Convention in Wisconsin next month. Fox News reported today that over 100 police agencies have pulled out of agreements to send law enforcement officers to the Democratic National Convention when it takes place in Milwaukee between August 17-20.

It comes in response to the Milwaukee police and fire commission ordering Milwaukee police Chief Alfonso Morales to ban the use of pepper spray and tear gas by officers in the city.

One Wisconsin police chief who pulled his department out, Fond Du Lac chief William Lamb, said “We believe in removing those tools, the use of chemical irritants or pepper spray, from the available resources that the law enforcement officers would have at their disposal if protests become non-peaceful would severely compromise the safety of the public and also the safety of the law enforcement officers who would be assigned to protect the DNC.”

“Our concern is that in the event protests turn non-peaceful, such a policy would remove tools from officers that may otherwise be legal and justifiable to utilize in specific situations,” West Allis chief Robert Fletcher said.

franklin Police Chief Rick Oliva and Waukesha’s police chief also gave similar statements as the reason for pulling out.

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