Dems Block GOP Observers From Entry In Philly And Detriot

What started as a Trump wave last night with a huge victory in Florida and Ohio turned into a total disaster Wednesday morning with hundreds of thousands of Biden votes appearing and being counted overnight.

Allegations of Democrat shenanigans have now filled online (where they can be posted as Twitter is engaging in active suppression of certain content).

In Detroit, two Republican poll watchers were interviewed where they said that ballots for Biden were being counted with no names or addresses on them.

The same two poll watchers also said that they found ballots with birthdates of 1921, but voter registration dates on 1900.

Other videos surfaced showing Republican observers being forcibly removed from Detroit vote counting centers, with Democrats cheering in the rooms.

The election is being plagued with voter fraud allegations across America.

In Pennsylvania, Republican area polling centers were kept closed hours after they were supposed to open.

Democrats hung Democrat ticket posters at the very doors of the polling centers across Philly as well, according to videos.

And in Detroit, Michigan again, poll watchers were being blocked from viewing midnight counts, according to video.


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