Trump Is Stacking White House With Loyalists This Week As Media Gets Nervous He’ll Keep Office

To the media, President Trump has lost. They gleefully report on the new “president-elect” Joe Biden. sample headlines have read “Biden will lower taxes, increase healthcare, and reduce student debt” or “Biden is good news for high speed rails” or “scientists relieved that Biden has won.”

The arrogance of the media and big tech that has gone for 4 years is now starting to crack though. Because as they report on this new Biden presidency, they nervously eye for President Trump to acknowledge defeat and begin turning the administration over to Biden’s transition team. But the President is not doing that.

Instead, the GSA (General Services Administration) has refused to return the Biden team’s phone calls. They won’t even acknowledge that Biden has won. Today, President Trump fired the Secretary Of Defense, and is replacing him with a more loyal Trump supporter with no connections to the deep state. The action has the media questioning if Trump has some kind of military moves planned over the next few weeks.

On top of this, it’s been reported by the media that Trump administration officials are telling staff that if they start looking for other jobs, they’ll be fired immediately, and to treat President Trump as a 2nd term president.

The media meanwhile is ignoring this and pretending that all is well with the new president Joe.

To make the matters more tense, Attorney Generals from over a dozen states have filed a lawsuit in court to challenge Pennsylvania’s last minute policy that allowed ballots to be counted up to 3 days after election day, even if they had no evidence of being mailed before the polls closed. This is being seen as a huge potential for voter fraud, as many ballots were received after election day and it is not known if they were mailed before the polls closed or not.

There have also been widespread reports of ballots being backdated, ballots being signed or cleaned up by the counters, GOP ballot counters being denied entry to oversee the counts, and ballots by unregistered voters being counted anyway. In Democrat strongholds of both Detroit and Philadelphia, Republicans were barred completely from even being able to watch the count. The media and social media tech giants meanwhile have both completely ignored these allegation, or outright censored the mere discussion of them.

The Trump administration and his supporters are gearing up to hold onto the White House. What’s more, there isn’t really much Biden could actually do if President Trump did keep office. The military supports him almost unanimously, and the gun owners of America are overwhelmingly pro President Trump.

For now though, the media is still in their honeymoon phase with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They are posting every sort of fluffy article on him as possible.


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