Military Anxious To Defend Trump, Ask President To Use Insurrection Act To Mobilize Them

The US Military is reportedly anxious to defend President Trump, and rank and file enlisted troops are asking that the President use the Insurrection Act to save the election and arrest all those in the media and with big tech who have conspired against his campaign and conservatives for the past half decade.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. It can be used in drastic times when the Republic is at threat, and election fraud to overthrow a President could constitute such a reason.

Those with Facebook, Twitter, Google and other big tech companies who engaged in the conspiracy, along with those at media outlets like CNN or MSNBC, could also be arrested by the military through the Insurrection Act.

11 thoughts on “Military Anxious To Defend Trump, Ask President To Use Insurrection Act To Mobilize Them

  1. I told my coworkers I would love to see the president park about 200 M1A1 Abrams tanks around the White House

  2. Just say the word @realDonaldTrump We the People are ready to take up the 2nd to protect and defend the Republic and our freedoms!!

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