Attorney General Barr caught on camera telling Pelosi she will be arrested for Treason

Bill Barr isn’t happy. He walked into the US Capitol for a meeting, and ran into the Speaker of the house.

If you’ve been living under a rock for a while, you may have noticed that this speaker has called for the impeachment of his boss, President Trump.

Well, it’s gotten worse.

Now Barr is joking about putting her in handcuffs… for TREASON!

Via Fox News:

Fox News reported that Barr approached Pelosi after the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service on Capitol Hill. The attorney general asked the House speaker if she brought handcuffs with her to the service, a source told the outlet.

Another bystander told the Washington Post that Pelosi, “not missing a beat, smiled and indicated to the Attorney General that the House Sergeant at Arms was present at the ceremony should an arrest be necessary,” as the newspaper wrote.


9 thoughts on “Attorney General Barr caught on camera telling Pelosi she will be arrested for Treason

  1. She should be arrested for treason, she has tried her best to destroy a duly elected President. She has lied and gone behind the President to other Foreign leaders. She has some other Deep State Friends they all should be tried and convicted.

  2. Yes Pelosi should be arrested for treason after everything she has done to our President Trump who was rightfully elected.

  3. Not just Piña Colada Nancy but Schiff, Nadler, Brennan, Comey & the Clinton Crime Family should be arrested and tried for treason and upon being found guilty, sentenced to immediate death by public hanging, without the right of appeal. I’m sure they can find enough lampposts in DC to accommodate them.

    1. Thinking at the National Mall, and pay per view it. I like it.
      Not as a punishment, but as an example of what happens when our sovereign country is corrupted.
      Sadly, half of the country worships the State as their God.

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