Warren Wants To Have Transgender Children Choose Her Education Secretary

Elizabeth Warren is making controversy after telling a child that she wants to have little transgender children choose her Secretary of Education. During a rally in Iowa at Cedar Rapids, the same place where Bernie’s notorious underage rumspringa took place, Elizabeth told a voter in the audience “I’m going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf,” and that “only if this person believes that our Secretary of Education nominee is committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone, will that person be advanced to actually be Secretary of Education.”

The move has drawn criticism even from liberals. Bill Maher was the first liberal to come out against what Warren said.

“Elizabeth Warren, who I’ve always liked, but she kind of like did some stuff I didn’t like, and today she came out, listen to this, she wants her Secretary of education to be vetted by a high school student, I’m not kidding,” Maher said, and went on to say “she said a young trans person, I believe in high school, ‘I’m going to have a secretary of education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf, and only if this person believes our secretary of education nominee is absolutely committed…’”

“Now Obama said people just don’t want crazy stuff, Is this not crazy stuff?” Maher asked. “Is she running for president of Berkeley?” His guest agreed, replying that “There’s a fundamental rule in politics that Republicans have used for a long long time, don’t run on boutique issues in a Walmart nation,” and said that trans issues are “something that is so narrowly focused, how did that help her win voters in the upper Midwest, in Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania? It’s just too narrow gauge.”

Elizabeth Warren has been sinking heavily in the polls and is not expected to win Iowa or New Hampshire.


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