Bloomberg Presidential Kickoff Photo Shows Him And Judge Judy Sitting With 4 People At A Table

residential Candidate Michael Bloomberg’s campaign released a photo of his San Antonio primary campaign kickoff event at Viva Villa Restaurant. The photo is quite embarrassing for the former hizzoner however, as it shows him and judge judy in a half empty restaurant with just 4 people at the table with them.

It’s unclear who the other 4 dinner goers are. Or if the other patrons in the restaurant even know who he is.

Judge Judy came out to the event to pump up the billionaire candidate. And later on at the event, there was a bit more excitement. A video of the event was uploaded online showing a crowd you’d expect to show up for a candidate running for local school board. Instead, the 40+ people and almost as many reporters were for Mike’s first official presidential campaign rally.

The news doesn’t bare well for Michael Bloomberg, who will need to poll strong in order to compete in Democratic Primary debates.

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One thought on “Bloomberg Presidential Kickoff Photo Shows Him And Judge Judy Sitting With 4 People At A Table

  1. Bloomberg just started campaigning too late in the game. He was so busy doing other things, that he didnt want to invest the necessary time. He is involved in so many things…not just donating millions to wonderful causes, he masterminds all kinds of programs to help others. People are not even aware of mosr of his contributions because he is not a Me, Me Me kind of guy. Not all wealthy people are classless jerks. He is a gem.

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