Breaking News: United Kingdom Claims Iran Briefly Detained Ambassador; Iran Capital descends Into Turmoil

In the midst of street protests on the verge of becoming full fledge riots, the Iranian regime allegedly detained the ambassador to the United Kingdom. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab stated today that Ambassador Rob Macaire was detained and held for almost 3 hours after he was accosted by police at a vigil for the Tehran plane victims. The vigil took a violent turn as prayers turned to protests which turned into rioting.

“The arrest of our Ambassador in Tehran without grounds or explanation is a flagrant violation of international law,” Raab said during the statement to the press.

“The Iranian government is at a cross-roads moment. It can continue its march towards pariah status with all the political and economic isolation that entails, or take steps to deescalate tensions and engage in a diplomatic path forwards.”

The United States weighed in on the arrest by calling it a violation of the Geneva Convention and international law.

meanwhile, Tehran continues to descend into chaos as protests call for an ouster of the Ayatollah.

In the wake of the Islamic Republic of Iran admitting to shooting down a Ukranian passenger jet airline as a result of “human error,” twitter has been bombarded with videos of iranians taking to the streets calling for a removal of the dictatorship.

Iranian local Alireza Azami posted video in Tehran showing students filling streets and stopping traffic, chanting “down with the regime.”

What’s unusual about these protests is that they are happening right after the death of the Quds Forces General Qasem Soleimani.

According to protestors on the scene in Tehran, riot police and soldiers are attempting to clear the streets with tear gas and rubber bullets. There’s no reports yet of injuries but if the regime response is at all similar to that of the last wave of protests across the country in November, hundreds or thousands may be wounded or killed.

“They were so careful not to kill any American in their revenge for Soleimani. But they did not close the airport? This shows how much this regime cares for Iranians,” said an Iranian citizen named Mira Sedaghati.

“This is not human error. This is a crime against humanity,” said exiled Persian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi on Saturday. “He who has irresponsibly empowered his thugs to fire at will at innocents bears full responsibility. #Enough_is_enough. Khamenei and his regime must go.”


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