America has a Speaker who can’t even speak

For being Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi can’t really speak. videos circulating online have shown a person unable to get out clear sentences when on stage for reporters.
And a photo has been circulating online of Speaker Nancy Pelosi on stage at an event in California and appearing to pick her nose. The photo was suppressed for over a decade before surfacing online. The photo, taken by a photographer named Chris Roberts, can be found in the link below.

the link

The photo was reportedly taken on November 25th, 2008.

While it’s not unusual for one to pick their nose, for Nancy to do it on stage in front of cameras has had some raise questions about her mental health. The speaker has had an array of embarrassing moments over the decade involving incidents where her health was called into question.

Losing mental awareness

Nancy Pelosi has through out the years gotten worse and worse on the public stage. Just this year during a press conference, she mumbled uncontrollably in front of the cameras and muttered incoherently. People watching could barely make out what she was trying to say.

the video’s gone viral of Pelosi trying to talk to reporters about impeachment, but failing to come off coherently. She gave a speech to the press about the articles of impeachment and when asked what shes going to do next, had what some are calling online a very peculiar response.

And in another video recorded of her speaking with reporters, she once again comes off incoherent and unable to speak clearly. She tells reporters that she has to save the world from peril.

Our video sources used are from mainstream media pages, so that there can be no accusations of video manipulation. 

see also:


One thought on “America has a Speaker who can’t even speak

  1. Nancy Pelosi is definitely suffering from dementia I don’t know why she’s even still there. She can’t even complete a sentence she makes no sense she starts talking drops off what she was saying it starts with something else she needs to see a doctor.

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