Biden releases cranky statement about Iowa delay, says he’s going straight to New Hampshire now

The Biden campaign has released a pretty cranky letter by the wording of it and basically told the DNC that he’s not going to wait around for them to release the Iowa results.

Dana Remus, Biden’s general counsel:

 “I write on behalf of the Biden for President Campaign regarding the considerable flaws in tonight’s Iowa Caucus reporting system. The app that was intended to relay Caucus results to the Party failed; the Party’s back-up telephonic reporting system likewise has failed. Now, we understand that Caucus Chairs are attempting to — and, in many cases, failing to — report results telephonically to the Party. These acute failures are occurring statewide.

We appreciate that you plan to brief the campaigns momentarily on these issues, and we plan to participate. However, we believe that the campaigns deserve full explanations and relevant information regarding the methods of quality control you are employing, and an opportunity to respond, before any official results are released. We look forward to hearing from you promptly.

In the meantime, we are on to New Hampshire, on the road to the most important election of our lifetimes.”


The Democrats are starting to worry as the results come in of voter turnout, and it is not looking good for them. Previously, Democrats predicted a record turnout for the caucus. But this wasn’t the case. What’s ironic is that the Democrats have touted a predicted record turnout as proof of a blue wave for November against Donald Trump. This would appear to not be the case.

And on top of this, only 1/3 of caucus goers were first timers for the Democrats, much less than 2016 when almost half had never caucused with the Dems before. Democrats hoped to break their record turnout ever which was in 2008. Back then, 240,000 people caucused in the Democratic primary in Iowa. Early predictions for this year are at most, 170,000.

Biden Camp releases a statement over the DNC app failure:


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