The man behind the plan to topple CHAZ and liberate Seattle from Antifa

Alexander Portelli, the owner and founder of Prntly Media, which owns this website, was outraged that a bunch of American silver spooned white liberal socialists would take over a portion of America and call it a new socialist state. He was even more outraged that his grandparents risked their lives to fight german socialists in world war 2, and all that would be in vain if American socialists could take over here at home.

So he started the biker event to liberate the CHAZ. Since then, thousands of bikers and conservative patriots have responded to the call to action with plans to attend.

The event has garnered 12,000 patriots to say they want to go, and thousands to confirm they are attending. it is a wide array of patriotic americans and republicans. Everyone outraged over the socialist menace that is taking hold in our American cities.

Alex has now organized the event to have a dozen patriot groups as co sponsors of the event.

“We cannot stand idly by and just let little antifa fascists take over our country.” he told Prntly news. “We must combat it, where ever it appears.”

It doesn’t help that the communist city council leader Sawant has said she wants too bring her socialism across the country for it to work. Alex saw it as an invitation for patriots to respond.

The event is being held in Seattle on July 4th, 2020. The event page can be found here:

2 thoughts on “The man behind the plan to topple CHAZ and liberate Seattle from Antifa

  1. As a retired counter intelligence officer defending this great nation my heart is broken over this weak but profound attempt to introduce a new way of self gratification. We must, must step in and end this while sending a strong message to our younger generation. Freedom is not free! Countries have been taken down this way I ought to know. So with this knowledge these groups have already been penetrated, assessed and a plan to end this formed. All this without the help of government but of true patriots who care about Family, Freedom and the Right to Defend our community our State and our Country. Please take heed the Tier 1 operators of this Country will close this down and there is nothing you can do about it but simply surrender before its to late. The Patriots are coming!

  2. Many years at DoD and UN with a lot of international exposure and a dam good appreciation of US history and constitutional understanding so I agree its time to put up or shut up. I am by nature, by teachings and by action nonviolent. A force of will with huge and overwhelming numbers of “we the people” is the best way to limit violence, take back the city and set the correct/responsible example. This is not an easy path to walk, make no mistake about it, but in this case it is an imperative to be looked back on as how a civil issue was resolved. I am hoping for a 300,000 people minimum to take back Seattle and clean it up along the way and hand it back to the dumb asses politicians with enough shame to remind them of just who we the people means and what a summer of love really looks like. See you there, bring all of your friends and have a deep understanding of why you are there.

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