A police officer’s resignation letter

An open letter from an anonymous former police officer who quit today on hearing of the Atlanta police arrests:
To every thief, burglar, robber, rapist and murderer. You guys have won. Go out and have fun. We won’t stop you. We won’t even show up anymore. Because if we do, and end up in a situation that leaves you dead, our lives are over and we’ll rot in prison on murder charges for it.
Do what you may. We feel sorry for those victims. Luckily those who supported us also carry guns. But there will unfortunately be many who don’t. We are sorry. But consider this your heads up. And to those who embraced this frenzied anti cop mentality, your warning.
Because you are going to experience what poets, historians, and scholars warn about all through history: lawlessness. We wish you luck


5 thoughts on “A police officer’s resignation letter

  1. so sorry it had to come to this but we are losing our freedom because of our laws not your fault I will always respect you and yours

  2. I have e been accused of somethings from the police and I have lost respect for the badge, but i won’t disrespect it because i know we need the police. Good luck and stay positive.

  3. He got it wrong, it is not the bad guys that did this, it was themselves for issuing shit tickets for revenue generation, the corruption and pillaging of the people. Ask yourself, why do cops have to hide to catch people violating traffic laws? It is because they are opportunistic bandits. that is why. And as proof see if you could get a fair and unbiased hearing at Traffic or Municipal court, you wouldn’t, all they want is your money.

  4. I dont blame the Officers. Not only do they have to worry about being shot, or stabbed, but now if required to use Force by a Criminals behavior, the are prosecuted. Why put their Life on the line, when they are punished for doing the job they were hired to do? Its not worth it. Sorry if Atlanta burns, but its what the Atlanta Politicians want. If you need help, call a Social Worker or your Drug Dealer!

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