Calling All Conservatives: Donate To A New Social Network Platform Without Censorship

Prntly Media is on its way to completing a new social media platform that will provide more options and freedom, without tech tyranny censorship.

Design concepts are as followed:

Prntly’s CEO has posted the following message to all of our readers and subscribers:

From the event organizer and our founder:
Hello and thank you for being a supporter of Prntly Media. We recently had a lot of publicity (and attacks) for an event our founder and CEO organized to retake the CHAZ. This week Facebook deleted the accounts of all event organizers involved in the retake Seattle event, as well as deleting the event page itself. They also deleted the personal instagrams of organizers.
to help us continue spreading the news that liberal media doesnt want you to hear, follow us on parler at @prntly.
We still plan on being in Seattle on July 4th. Please meet at cal anderson park at 12 noon.
also, most importantly, we’d like to ask you to please donate and share our fundraiser to finish our better social network site that won’t censor conservatives, called Prntpage. It will function as a full service marketplace and social media network platform that will avoid censoring conservative voices. If every one of our subscribers donated, we would finish a site that is better and more user friendly of an experience than even Facebook.

You can make a donation through the link in the comment below. Thank you for your loyalty to this company.

-Alexander Portelli, CEO and Founder of Prntly.


4 thoughts on “Calling All Conservatives: Donate To A New Social Network Platform Without Censorship

  1. social media HQ’s in Seattle At Google Google/Youtube HQ’s atin Seattle @ Fremont ave & Northlake way & Facebook 1 mile South on Dexter Ave, buildings needs to be a occuipief as a Liberty zone, so free speech is restored on the Internet. on July 4th & on.

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